Block A, New Secretariat Complex, Takur, PMB 7008 Dutse, Jigawa State

Explore Our Departments

Discover the collaborative efforts of our diverse departments, dedicated to providing accurate and insightful information for informed decision-making.

Census and Survey

Explore a wide range of surveys and census activities, from in-house and ad hoc surveys to annual agricultural crop sample surveys and comprehensive labor force assessments.

Census and Survey Image

Economics and Social Statistics

Delve into the interdisciplinary field of Economics and Social Statistics, unraveling the intricate dynamics of economic factors and societal phenomena.

Economics and Social Statistics Image

Research and ICT Department

Embark on an innovative journey with the Research and ICT Department, where cutting-edge research meets seamless Information and Communication Technology management.

Research and ICT Image

Admin Department

Experience administrative prowess and financial acumen at the heart of efficiency with the Admin and Finance Department.

Admin Department Image

Management's Vision

Our vision is to exemplify and champion the adoption of best practices and international standards in statistical production and dissemination. Our commitment is rooted in evidence-based policy design, meticulous planning, strategic programming, and informed decision-making within Jigawa State. We achieve this through a team of highly competent professionals utilizing cutting-edge technology, all while fostering collaboration with pertinent stakeholders.

Suggestions and Feedback

If you have any suggestions or grievances, kindly notify us, and we'll endeavor to respond promptly.